In a recent Time Dispute thread, sadisticmystic suddenly claimed that xebra was cheating because me and xebra both think FoxLuc is a conniving bitch (he is, right? After all, it's not like he's actively proving times, nor is even he writing walkthroughs that explain them).
I just talked to Sadistic Mystic over AIM, and he said xebra is being accused of cheating on "whatever levels he claims people are cheating on." I asked why he believes that, and he said it's because "he whines, why else?"
[20:35] <brian0918> blueblaze, yet another idiotic statement. i wouldnt bother cuz youre a moron
[20:35] <brian0918> everyone knows that
[20:35] <brian0918> but youre loveable, so we let you be
[20:35] <brian0918> like a stupid little fluffy bunny or something
[20:36] <DaleG> I'm a moron? Coming from you, that has real strong effect
[20:36] <DaleG> heh
[20:36] <brian0918> ok kid, you can put your foot in your mouth whenever you like
[20:37] <brian0918> well, this has been a really interesting ending to my soniccenter days. you can all go fuck yourselves now. bye
[20:37] *** brian0918 has quit (Quit: )